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At Gateway Church we don't only meet together on Sundays, we also meet during the week in smaller groups called Life Groups
Each term Life Groups meet for 10 weeks to help each other live out our faith in our home life, workplaces, neighbourhoods and as we participate in wider community life. The format can vary, depending on what is most helpful for the church at the time. Life Groups are where we, as a church can connect during the week to share life, encourage one another and study scripture.

Life Groups will start in the week beginning 22nd September, use the links below to sign up today!

(Please note: if you are considering becoming a member of Gateway & haven't done our exploring membership session, we'll be running these on a few Weds evenings, so it would be worth choosing a group not on a Wednesday!)

Get in Touch

Fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. If you'd also like to be kept up to date with our church communications, via email, just comment using the same form to let us know and we can send you our weekly mailer with latest news and events:

Tell Us About Yourself
Gateway Site:
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Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch with you shortly.

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