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Our Vision

Our Vision

As a church we are committed to an adventure of faith, pursuing purity and living compassionately. 


Read our full vision below: 

1. We are a people called into an adventure of faith


After his death and resurrection Jesus told his followers that they were to go to the four corners of the earth and make more disciples. This is what is known as the great commission. To do it takes faith, and courage - which means it is an adventure. Christianity is not a passive religion, but an active faith, that makes a positive difference to the world. It is adventurous!

2. We are a people called to live in purity


The fundamental human problem is our distance from God, a distance created by all the junk in our lives that is as offensive to God as drinking sewage would be to us. Jesus' death on the cross was the way in which all this muck and filth (what the Bible calls sin) was dealt with. As people who have been set free from the power of sin, Christians are not meant to go back to drinking sewage. Our lives need to demonstrate the reality of God's holiness at work in us.

3. We are a people called to live compassionately


Jesus has been very good to us, and in response we are to be good to others. We believe that one day Jesus will return to the earth and make everything very good - our role as his followers is to make something of that goodness known, right here, right now.

4. We are a people transformed by the grace of God


Our relationship with Jesus is entirely dependent on his grace to us. We cannot earn God's love or favour, but are freely given it. This amazing grace liberates us, and makes us confident and secure. Christianity is much more about what Jesus has done, than what we do!

5. We are a people who recognize the sovereignty of God


We are confident that God is working out his purpose in the world, the church and our individual lives. This confidence brings us into joy as we see how we are part of something of universal and eternal scope. It also brings us into peace as we can trust Jesus to do what is right.

6. We are a people committed to generosity 


In response to the generosity of God we want to live as generous people, giving up our time, energy and resources to bring blessing to other people.

7. We are committed to growing 


We have a theological and philosophical commitment to growth. We understand the kingdom of God to be advancing, and the gospel to be fruitful. This means we expect the local church to experience growth as part of its normal life - both in terms of growth in knowledge and love for Jesus, and numerical growth.

8. We are committed to pastoring


We are committed to a model of church leadership that sees elders remaining in close contact with the flock they have been given responsibility to shepherd, with a deacon team assisting in this.

9. We are committed to team


We are called to be together on a mission and want all that we do as a church to reflect God's priority for team. This affects the way we understand leadership in the church, and the role that every church member has as a member of the team.

10. We are committed to community


A commitment to community means being genuinely immersed in the neighbourhoods we serve and concerned for their wellbeing. This love for our wider communities flows out of the community of the church, which begins with our communion with God. We want to do whatever we can to guard and build community. This means learning to be faithful to one another in all our relationships.

11. We are committed to the city


While committed to our local communities we do not want to become parochial, but to have a sense of responsibility for the whole 'city' we live in.

12. We are committed to preaching


We are committed to preaching because we believe it to be God's method for the proclamation of the word. We believe preaching is powerful and an act of spiritual warfare.

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